
Showing posts from January, 2011

EVA News: Streets & San, St. Boniface, deli order

Here's the latest newsletter with news from Features include a preview of Monday Feb. 7's EVA meeting with Streets & Sanitation Supt. Manuel Gonzalez; an update on preservation of St. Boniface Church, and plans for a new delicatessen restaurant on Ashland Avenue.

Make one thing clear: the sidewalk

Yes, you have to shovel the sidewalk. It's the law. The Chicago Municipal Code says property owners must shovel their front sidewalks, by 10 a.m. for an overnight snowfall or within three hours of a daytime storm. And you must scatter sand or "similar suitable material" on the icy patches. You do get Sundays off. The ins and outs of snow clearing will be explained Feb. 7 when 1st Ward Streets & Sanitation Supt. Manuel Gonzalez visits the Happy Village for the East Village Association's Feb. 7 meeting, starting at 7 p.m. at Wolcott Avenue and Thomas Street. That is, Gonzalez will be there if Wolcott and Thomas don't need plowing first. Also scheduling an appearance is Ald. Proco Joe Moreno, who has said Streets & Sanitation can be run more efficiently if it weren't organized by ward. Lately the 1st and 32nd wards have experimented with a grid system for trash pickup in adjoining alleys. Moreno told the Tribune and Channel 7 that a full-fl

Sardinian deli thinks global and local

Longtime East Village resident Malika Peterson provided this grocery and restaurant proposal. For the business to sell liquor at the Ashland Avenue address, the city would have to end a license moratorium. The East Village Association board will review the proposal at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 15 at Leona's, 1936 W. Augusta Blvd. By Malika Peterson Buon Gusto, LLC is a new business with a proposed location at 845 N. Ashland in Chicago’s West Town. The store will be an upscale international grocery, delicatessen and cafe with a distinct menu. The facility will include a 16-person-capacity eating area, deli/kitchen with counter and checkout area. and grocery/gift area. The mission of Buon Gusto, LLC is to provide Chicago, West Town residents and visitors with quality, authentic Sardinian grocery items and prepared foods combined with good service and an atmosphere reminiscent of Old World Sardegna. Our store motto is, "Good Flavor." The gourmet and specialty food market is boo

LaSalle II adds 65 pupils, reports progress

By Tom Tomek   For the 2010-11 school year, LaSalle II magnet school admitted 65 new students and will take on an additional staff/teacher position. Student performance is projected to be above the state standard, according to the roadmap for improvement presented to the local school council Jan. 12. In Northwest Evaluation Association reports for the school, 1148 N. Honore St., 69.8% of reading and 82.8% of math scores were above proficiency. The results were cited in LaSalle II's biennial School Improvement Plan for Advancing Academic Achievement report, which can be downloaded here . Points of interest from the LaSalle II SIPAAA report: All of the faculty are judged highly qualified and are dedicated to the students and school community, the report said. According to parent surveys, most parents are satified with the academic rigor and quality of instruction. Transfers to and from the school are low, making for more stable classrooms. All teachers went through Kagan Professiona

Last rites for St. Boniface rectory

Planning, Preservation & Development committee report by Scott A. Rappe   Despite 11 years of effort to preserve all of St. Boniface, the rectory will be demolished by the end of the month. The church at 921 N. Noble St. is being converted into senior housing by Institutional Property Management through a convoluted scheme structured by several city departments and agencies. Among other things, the redevelopment agreement required money to be set aside in two escrow accounts, one for the demolition of the rectory, the other for the demolition of the church. If the developer found no use for the rectory, the agreement required a demolition permit be issued by Dec. 31, and demolition to be completed by Jan. 30. A market study was commissioned by IPM to determine how many living units the current market would support. It was hoped that the review would show economic conditions would support more than the 75 units needed to make the project feasible. Unfortunately this was not t

All over but the starting: a Bleeding Heart recipe

By Scott A. Rappe Some East Village Association members were disappointed after the Jan. 3 vote on Bleeding Heart Bakery Cafe. Most were thrilled. Regardless of which side you fall on, the vote holds important lessons on civic engagement. To those who supported the cafe's proposed rooftop deck: Don’t take your victory for granted. Whether it was a friend's encouragement or a passion for Quad Cities pizza and organic baked goods, you felt the issue was important enough to come out, let your opinion be known and maybe join EVA and vote. Next month’s meeting probably will lack the fireworks, but your attendance in no less important. To those of you who opposed the roof deck: Let this defeat be a wake-up call. Having a positive influence on your community will take more than showing up to a meeting and voting against something. Your opposition probably stemmed from bad experiences with other liquor-serving businesses in the neighborhood. You must attend meetings regularly, liste

Make your mark on East Village

Last year started with East Village on the National Register of Historic Places , and ended with a high-profile neighborhood vote at hand. EAST VILLAGE NEWS TOP 10 Chicago Bowl frames development plan Sep 20, 2010  … 1,398   page views Meet Alderman Moreno on Monday Apr 22, 2010  … 973   page views What's at risk: Measuring change, neighbor by neighbor Nov 11, 2010, 14 comments  … 680   page views EVA to sponsor LaSalle II PTO raffle May 12, 2010  … 548 page views   EVA board meets 6:30 pm Monday at Leona's, 1936 W.... May 10, 2010  … 513 page views   Chopin Theatre to host water forum Monday Apr 15, 2010  … 494   page views Board clears deck for cafe vote Dec 15, 2010  … 473   page views Bowling alley pins success to live music Sep 19, 2010, 4 comments  … 440   page views Roots pizza project adds ingredients Dec 2, 2010, 3 comments  … 433   page views Bleeding Heart gets

Dinner and a movie at Commercial Park

Bring the family to enjoy the film "Toy Story 3" at Commercial Park on Friday, Jan. 28. Doors open for dinner at 5:30 p.m. and a movie at 7 in the gym at 1845 W. Rice. A donation of $1 is suggested for the screening and pizza is available for $1.50 a slice. The event is being underwritten by the law firm of McKnight, Kitzinger, McCarty & Pravdic and 1st Ward Ald. Proco Joe Moreno, said Rhonda Locke of the Commercial Park Advisory Council.

Property tax appeal workshop Saturday

Ald. Proco Joe Moreno (1st Ward) made this announcement via e-mail. To get on his mailing list, visit . Responding to numerous requests from 1st Ward constituents, I asked new Cook County Assessor [Joe] Berrios for an additional workshop for our community and he has agreed. I thank Assessor Berrios for honoring my request to reopen the appeal period for West Chicago Township (about 80% of the 1st Ward) until January 24th. To find your township look at upper right column of your property tax bill and enter your P.I.N. number here . Representatives from the Cook County Assessor's office will be on-hand to assist with your appeal application. If approved, the revised assessment would affect two years of property taxes. Please take advantage of this opportunity to lower your tax bill.

Bleeding Heart final vote: 37-11

Board meeting minutes for Jan. 11, 2011 Submitted by Dana Palmer Attendance: Board Members: Greg Nagel, Neal McKnight, Nicole Ellise, Dana Palmer, Scott Rappe, Aaron Bilton and Tom Tomek; Non-Board Members: Margorie Issacson, Rich Anselmo and Kok Keng Gow. Meeting Commenced at 6:40 p.m. Followup regarding vote for Bleeding Heart Bakery and the request for a special use permit to allow a second floor outdoor deck/patio After reconfirming with PayPal and updating the membership list, the final vote of confirmed EVA members was 37 yes and 11 no in support of granting a special use permit. There were also 8 votes cast by individuals that were not confirmed members of EVA 7 of which voted yes and only 1 no vote. Therefore, the non confirmed votes do not sway or have any influence over the final decision to support the special use permit. Scott Rappe agreed to issue a formal letter to Alderman Moreno about the vote. Membership Dana Palmer has confirmed and reconfirmed with PayPal regar

More on Bleeding Heart vote

Michelle Garcia Minutes for January 3, 2011 membership meeting Submitted by Dana Palmer   Scott Weiner did a presentation regarding Bleeding Heart Bakery and their request for a special use permit to allow a second floor patio/deck. Weiner stated that the deck would be used as often as possible to host various special events and would be used by the bakery and the adjacent Roots building. Michelle & Vinny Garcia, owners of Bleeding Heart Bakery, expressed their desire to have the patio for gardening and composting as well as hosting weddings. Much debate on concern was raised regarding hours of operations, liquor usage and noise to the neighborhood. Much frustration was also expressed about Weiner's lack of concessions in regard to the Roots building adjacent to the bakery that he is also involved with. However, the final vote was regarding solely the Bleeding Heart Bakery and their desire for the special use permit to allow for the patio/deck. Scott Rappe made a motion: “T

Ald. Moreno statement on January EVA meeting

Dear EVA Board Members and General Membership: Over this past weekend, I was informed that at the last meeting of the East Village Association (EVA), Jesse Juarez spoke and informed the body that he was representing me, the 1st Ward Alderman. I wanted to state strongly and unequivocally that I did not, and do not, empower Jesse Juarez to speak for me or my office on ANY issue, let alone the issue that was at hand at the last EVA meeting. I have spoken to Jesse regarding his behavior and let him know, emphatically, that he does not represent me in any way or fashion. I realize the passion that exists within EVA regarding neighborhood issues and respect (both personally and in policy) that passion and the official decisions of EVA. As I have promised, I will continue to seek out EVA's opinion on ANY zoning change, liquor moratorium issue, and general development opportunities on EVERY legitimate proposal that crosses my desk. I truly appreciate your time and dedication to our neighbo

No TIF dispute at ward forum; candidates meet again next Thursday

Candidates at Wicker Park Committee forum (posted by Ald. Joe Moreno ) By Tom Tomek Candidates for alderman agree that tax-increment financing should be used more in prioritized areas for well-needed projects such as schools, not a tool for developers to profit. Hopefuls from the 1st and 32nd wards addressed parking, crime and other issues in a forum Wednesday. All candidates in the Feb. 22 primary had a great opportunity to voice their positions and concerns to a packed Fellowship Hall at the Wicker Park Lutheran Church, 1502 N. Hoyne at LeMoyne. An e-mail from the sponsoring Wicker Park Committee claimed 180 people in attendance Wednesday. Another forum for 32nd Ward candidates is scheduled for 7 p.m. Jan. 13 at Hoyne Avenue Wesleyan Church, 900 N. Hoyne. Marc Dimond of the Ukrainian Village Neighborhood Association said the event would follow a similar format. On Chicago parking meters, the consensus was that any future plan to take city services or facilities private

Bleeding Heart gets consent for outdoor cafe

East Village Association members recommended that Ald. Joe Moreno approve rooftop seating for the Bleeding Heart Bakery restaurant under construction at 1916 W. Chicago. Committeeman Jesse Ruben Juarez told a packed house Monday that the 1st Ward Democratic Organization wanted to encourage new jobs from the bakery and an adjoining pizzaria. "Our office will keep them accountable," Juarez told members before the vote. The EVA vote was advisory to Moreno. The City Council must approve the rooftop cafe's special-use permit. The meeting adjourned before results were announced, because eligibility of all voters could not immediately be confirmed. However, secretary Dana Palmer told EVA board members in a late-night e-mail that the undisputed ballots were enough to carry the day. President Greg Nagel declared Tuesday that the motion had passed. About 75 people filled the Happy Village party room at 1059 N. Wolcott, and 57 cast paper ballots with their name and a yes or

Meet alderman candidates Wednesday

Aldermanic candidates for the 1st and 32nd Wards will present their platforms and respond to hot political topics from 7 to 9 p.m. at Wicker Park Lutheran Church, 1502 N. Hoyne. The format will include a five minute introduction and political statement by each of the candidates, according to Ed Tamminga, president of the sponsoring Wicker Park Committee. Prepared questions will follow, which each candidate will answer within two minutes. Questions will be addressed in the order candidates appears on the city candidates' list: 1st Ward: Ald. Joe Moreno, Ronald Baltierra (to be confirmed), Deborah Lopez. 32nd Ward: David Pavlik, Ald. Scott Waguespack, Brian Gorman, Bryan Lynch. Rebuttal comments will be allowed at the discretion of the moderator. The forum will opened to audience questions following the prepared questions. These topics should be expected, Tamminga said: city finances, Chicago school system/ vouchers/ charter schools; landmark districts, tax increment funds, Grant
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.