
Showing posts from May, 2008

Waguespack on the record: May 2008 EVA minutes

By Joe Hunnewinkel   Ald. Scott Waguespack covered a lot of ground as the May 6 guest speaker for the East Village Association: 32nd Ward infrastructure. Waguespack noted that since his election in April 2007, he has issued guidelines for new constructiond an proposed garage construction rules to improve alley conditions. The greatest improvements in road issues have been in the last 6 months, he said. Olympics pre-planning. How will expansion affect neighborhoods and park lands? Waguespack said he supports Chicago's 2016 Olympics bid only if land use is carefully planned for future use. Digital billboards. Waguespack proposed limits to keep the signs from becoming a nuisance to residents. 920 N. Winchester . This building has been vacant for 20 years. The city cited the owner and discovered he owns many other abandoned properties. Landmark issues. Waguespack feels contractors are ignoring landmark protections in his ward and that the stop-work orders that enforce them are b

EVA board minutes for May 12, 2008

By Joe Hunnewinkel 1. Discussed ways to attract new members, revitalize interest in former members. 2. Planning of Clean & Green. 3. Landmarks: Both alderman have agreed to a meeting regarding violations and protocol. Tentatively May 29th. 4. Discussed attending other neighborhood organizations to research accomplishments and goals in other communities. 5. Treasurer reports roughly $1,400 in account. 6. Milwaukee corridor: no progress on Pizza Hut property. Walgreens has not made any new advances. Discussed former power station at 1510 Division, and scenarios for possible reuse. 7. Condition of tree pits on division. City is not taking responsibility for repairs and maintenance. Alderman Flores is looking into possible solutions.

East Village cleans up

By Joe Hunnewinkel Members attending Mayor Daley's annual Clean & Green on May 17 collected considerable amounts of trash in and around EVA's confines. Children from Anderson Acadamy and Well's Community High School created dozens of hand painted posters for the event. Alderman Flores donated pizza for the appreciative volunteers, and members of his staff were instrumental in making sure the proper tools were delivered and to the distribution site. Many thanks to the staff of The Boundary tavern, 1932 W. Division, for making a large showing and pitching in!

The East Village unites

President's Message by John Scheer The neighbors of East Village continue to work together to support each other and improve their neighborhood. The most recent Clean and Green event set an excellent example of the volunteer spirit, lead by Joe Hunnewinkel and co-managed by Susan Knapp. 1st Ward Alderman Manny Flores, his chief of staff Raymond Valadez and ward superintendent Manny Gonzalez made sure that the volunteers had tools, supplies and food to make this successful. Thank you to Joe for coordinating the details and for organizing students to make posters promoting the event. Another example of neighbors supporting neighbors was the multiple block coordination after a series of shootings last year on Wolcott and Honore. Old and new residents alike came together to help the local police defuse the tension surrounding the initial shooting on the 1100 block of North Wolcott. This was a good example of experienced residents helping newer neighbors understand the options available

Wicker Park free walks this weekend

Free tours are part of the Chicago Spaces and Places 10th annual event and in celebration of the Chicago Landmark Ordinance’s 40th anniversary. May 17-- Milwaukee Ave. Landmark District — Immigrants’ Path To Prosperity Milwaukee Avenue Landmark district, in the heart of Wicker Park’s hot, trendy commercial strip, is Chicago’s newest Landmark area. The tour begins in an architectural treasure at Milwaukee/ Damen/ North, currently the MidWest Bank. An orientation session in the new Bucktown/Wicker Park Library will be the second stop before strolling down the Indian path turned toll road where architecturally significant buildings stand proudly anxious to tell the immigrant tales of life in one of Chicago’s earliest neighborhoods. Time: 12:45 – 3:15 pm Starts at : MidWest Bank Lobby, 1601 N. Milwaukee Ave. May 18-- Wicker Park Landmark District–The Neighborhood that Changes but Stays the Same Take a journey thru time and space in the heart of the Wicker Park Landmark district begin

Beautify your block Saturday with Clean & Green

East Village Association will participate in the annual volunteer city clean-up on Saturday, May 17. Gather at 8 a.m. at Andersen Community Academy, 1148 N. Honore, to take part in Mayor Daley's Spring Clean & Green Day. Make an immediate impact in your neighborhood by cleaning up and recycling accumulated litter and trash. This year's effort will work to beautify side streets. All you have to do is pick a location close to you that could really use a good cleaning. Return to Andersen school by 2 p.m. to drop off your tools and enjoy complementary food. For the past 20 years, community groups have joined to gather and recycle neighborhood litter with the use of city brooms, rakes, shovels and bags.

Landmarks Approval Conditions April 2008

East Village District 1110 N. Wolcott 4/23/2008 Exterior and interior work: replace lintel at front porch, tuckpoint as needed, replace flat roof, replace gutters and downspouts, interior drywall work to stairway. EXISTING BRICK TO BE SALVAGED AND REINSTALLED AT PORCH PARAPET - NO CHANGE TO PARAPET HEIGHT OR CONFIGURATION. GRINDING TO BE DONE CAREFULLY SO AS NOT TO DAMAGE MASONRY PIECES, JOINT WIDTH TO REMAIN UNCHANGED, NEW MORTAR TO MATCH HISTORIC IN COLOR, PROFILE, AND COMPOSITION. EXISTING WINDOWS TO BE RETAINED (TO BE PAINTED), NO OTHER WORK ALLOWED WITH THIS PERMIT. REAR BUILDING WORK UNDER PERMIT 20329197. REAR PORCH WORK AS PER PLANS IN SEPARATE PERMIT 100219662 855 N. Wolcott 4/24/2008 Rebuild existing front wood porch to address a violation. The porch to be same size and location as existing. No window replacement or other exterior work to occur with this approval. Ukrainian Village District 1015 N. Hoyne 4/7/2008 Electrical: Ten lighting cans, ten receptacles on three circui

Do-Division kicks off street fairs

The 2008 Do-Division Street Fest and Sidewalk Sale is May 31 and June 1. The event features a street festival on Division Street between Damen and Leavitt, with a sidewalk sale extending east to Ashland. The street fest includes a chess tournament, food from Division Street restaurants, activities for children, a disc-jockey tent and rock bands booked by the Empty Bottle nightclub, including Lucero on May 31 and Ted Leo and the Pharmacists on June 1 (schedule at left). The West Town Chamber of Commerce, the event’s sponsor, is estimating a turnout of 30,000. Donation is $5. The complete lineup is at . DO-DIVISION LIVE MUSIC LINEUP Saturday May 31 8:30pm Lucero Springsteen-inspired guitar. 7:00pm Mucca Pazza Circus punk marching band. 5:30pm Tally Hall Beatlesque harmony. 4:00pm Occidental Brothers Dance Band International African percussion, guitar. 2:30pm De Novo Dahl Nashville pop rockers. 1:00pm Mu
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