East Village social media: News from neighbors
The East Village Association now has more than 750 Facebook fans and 500 Twitter followers. They get not only news about EVA but also links and opinions from fellow members. All fans can post on the EVA Facebook timeline to share news or leave questions and comments. Facebook members logged into their computers can see the latest posts on the right. The Twitter feed @evachicago sends news and lifestyle headlines from local news media, blogs and city agencies, the same headlines featured below. A magazine of East Village Chicago news is now available on the Flipboard smartphone app. Flipboard also reads Facebook or Twitter messages, or other news feeds such as the Feedburner RSS feed of posts from this site. Last year EVA started a private group on Nextdoor , a social media site that launched a redesign in February just as NBC News shut down its Everyblock sites. Neighborhood Watch groups often use Nextdoor because it requires proof of address and can send text alerts as well as