
Showing posts from April, 2020

Zoom meeting considers COVID-19 comeback

As restaurants closed in the coronavirus outbreak, EVA members met in an April 13 Zoom video conference East Village Association membership meeting April 13, 2020, via Zoom. Presiding: John Gantner, president EVA's first Zoom meeting likely won't be the last. Members logged on in an April 13 video conference to brainstorm ways to support the West Town community in what promises to be a slow transition from lockdown to the new normal. President John Gantner said donations to support local COVID-19 relief drained half the EVA treasury, and solicited feedback on other intitiatives to support. Members noted restaurant closings and delayed openings, and cancellation of the Do Division and West Fest Chicago street festivals. A thread on the Community Page for Ukrainian Village lists restaurants still open for takeout and delivery. In a long lockdown, some temporary closings are likely to become permanent. Openings may come with lower occupancy limits, as in Austria and Den

East Village Association to donate $3,000 to COVID-19 relief efforts

Organizations supporting local healthcare professionals, hospitality workers and artists to receive $1,000 each from neighborhood group The iBIO COVID-19 PPE Response Fund donates protective medical products to Illinois healthcare workers and first responders. The East Village Association, an organization of residents in the East Village neighborhood of Chicago, today committed $3,000 to help alleviate the economic impacts of the fight against the COVID-19 virus. The donation is to be split among three charities: Arts for Illinois : The Arts for Illinois Relief Fund provides support for artists and performers impacted by COVID-19; The Lee Initiative : Working in collaboration with the Fifty/50 Restaurant Group Charities, The Lee Initiative is providing food support for Chicago-based restaurant and foodservice workers unable to work during this crisis; and iBIO COVID-19 PPE Response Fund : The iBIO COVID-19 PPE Response Fund coordinates direct purchase of protective medical products to

Ukrainian Village group presses to preserve worker's cottages

A developer withdrew demolition plans for 2047 W. Augusta Blvd. after discussions with the Ukrainian Village Neighborhood Association East Village Association membership meeting March 2, Roots Pizza, 1924 W. Chicago Ave. Presiding: Michael VanDam, president Worker's Cottage Preservation in Ukrainian Village Kimberly Shannon, treasurer of the Ukrainian Village Neighborhood Association, discussed efforts to expand the Ukrainian Village landmark district. In discussions with UVNA, a developer agreed not to raze a worker's cottage at 2047 W. Augusta and to place the house back on the market. Other worker's cottages and 3-flats are worth preservation as well. Shannon asks EVA to support preserving such buildings by extending the Ukrainian Village Landmark District along Augusta Boulevard from Leavitt to Damen. A proposal has not been submitted, but the Department of Planning and Preservation Chicago indicate that Chicago may be more willing to consider blocks that mix new
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