Scooters maneuver toward Chicago review
Bird general manager Robbie Zettler and senior manager Kelley Foxx East Village Association membership meeting Sept. 9, 2019, Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott Ave. Presiding: Michael VanDam, president Bird picks up 250 of its scooters every night and redistributes them for the morning commute, general manager Robbie Zettler told EVA members Sept. 9. Yet with 10 companies in Chicago's June-to-October scooter trial, it's hard for any of them to commit more resources to clear scooter clutter. Chicago requires scooter vendors to respond to complaints within two hours, says government partnership manager Kelley Foxx. Bird aims for a 30 minute turnaround, Foxx says. Fielding questions on scooter safety, technology and future plans from the Happy Village patio, Foxx said he expects the city to winnow the field down to a more manageable three companies.