Volunteers to draft 32nd Ward master plan
By Rich Anselmo Alderman Scott Waguespack (32nd Ward) has asked the East Village Association to participate in a "Master Plan/Developer Project." This is a good opportunity to establish a planning and growth path agenda. The project is similar to Ald. Tom Tunney's 44th Ward's Community Directed Development Council. Community group representatives and business leaders met in 2003 to talk about their vision for Lakeview. Groups worked individually the next year on subjects such as residential development, affordable housing, transportation, parks and city services, and their reports in 2005 were the basis for a master plan for the ward. The council continues to advise the alderman on zoning and other issues. The portion of East Village that is in the 32nd Ward is located at the southwest corner of the neighborhood roughly Augusta, Honore, Chicago, Damen (the 11th precinct). Interested parties should check the 44th Ward's Web page for more on the that ward's c