March 4 EVA election candidate profiles

In the last year our East Village Association community group has really revitalized and made great progress! We have made a real impact on development in our area, reformed the Planning & Development Committee, grown our membership, created a website and discussion group, and had relevant speakers come to our meetings.

We need to keep this momentum going and build on this progress. So in our March 4 meeting we need to elect new officers. Each candidate has written a short biography. Please make sure to come to the meeting and vote.

Please remember that only active members can vote on March 4, so please pay your annual membership dues. You can do this online at our website by clicking on the “Join EVA” orange button in the bottom-left corner or by bringing a check to the next meeting.

EVA membership dues are $30 business, $20 family, $15 individual or $5 senior.

John Scheer, candidate for EVA president

My name is John Scheer and I moved to the East Village in 1995. That’s 13 years, which may qualify me as one of the old timers, but during that time I have engaged so many of my neighbors who have lived here much longer that I am perceived as a newcomer by those residents.

That first year of living in the East Village, I was introduced to EVA and became an active member because of the openness of the organization and the profound need for neighborhood collaboration.

I continue to be active in many of the neighborhood initiatives from social events, preservation, crime abatement, parking, sidewalks, recycle and aldermanic discussions as well as a strong interest in the library and parks. As I have observed the changes in the neighborhood, I have continued to see the value of the EVA organization to facilitate communication and a venue to allow the residents to manage the change within our neighborhood.

I have been an active board member for the past year and would appreciate your confidence in supporting me as the next President of EVA.

Greg Nagel, candidate for EVA vice president

My name is Greg Nagel and I’m running for EVA vice president. I’ve owned and lived in a 4 flat at 1040 N. Winchester for five years now.

I grew up in the suburbs but have lived in the City since my graduation from college. I worked as CPA with Deloitte & Touche, as a Management Accountant with Kraft Foodservice, and as Corporate Controller for Pasquinelli Portrait Homes. For the last three years I have worked for Cedar Realty as a developer and residential realtor focusing on multiunit residential investment properties.

Other than being in favor for being kind to babies, puppies, and the elderly, I’m for responsible and thoughtful development and growth. I would characterize my positions as moderate and look for pragmatic compromises on most issues.

I’ve served as a board member for the last year in the capacity as aldermanic liaison, where I enjoyed a productive and frank relationship with Alderman Flores. It's been a great experience and I’ve learned so much. We have some really talented neighbors that have given so much to our community for many many years that really deserve our thanks. I hope to learn from them and follow in their footsteps.

Brian J. Thompson, candidate for EVA treasurer

My name is Brian Thompson and I’m running for EVA Treasurer. I have lived at 1022 N. Wood St., #2 since January 2004. I am originally from Oak Park. I am 37 years old and I am employed as an attorney. I’ve served the EVA as vice president and chairman of the membership committee for the last year.

Candidate for EVA secretary

The EVA board did not slate a candidate for secretary, and expressed an interest in recruiting a candidate from outside the current leadership. The secretary takes the minutes of the monthly general meetings. If you are interested, please e-mail EVA President Mary Szpur.
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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