Alderman Flores rejects zoning for dry cleaner
EVA treasurer Brodi Cole accompanied Ald. Manny Flores (1st Ward) on a tour of a Lake View dry-cleaning plant March 14 after members declined to support a zoning change to open a similar plant on Chicago Avenue. The alderman's office issued this statement on March 30: I am writing to give you an update regarding the proposed zoning change at 1916 W. Chicago Avenue. As you may recall, the CD One Price Cleaners company was interested in renting out the commercial space at the above address to open a dry cleaning pick-up site with an on-premise dry cleaning plant. This necessitated a change in the zoning from B3-2 to a C1-2 to allow for an on-premise dry cleaning plant with more than 2 employees. Before making a final decision on the proposal, I and a few neighbors visited an existing CD One Price Cleaners facility to view the dry cleaning operations. The store was well-lit, well-kept and was a generally well-run operation. However, when I asked employees about the safety and c