Zoom meeting considers COVID-19 comeback

As restaurants closed in the coronavirus outbreak, EVA members met in an April 13 Zoom video conference

EVA's first Zoom meeting likely won't be the last. Members logged on in an April 13 video conference to brainstorm ways to support the West Town community in what promises to be a slow transition from lockdown to the new normal.

President John Gantner said donations to support local COVID-19 relief drained half the EVA treasury, and solicited feedback on other intitiatives to support. Members noted restaurant closings and delayed openings, and cancellation of the Do Division and West Fest Chicago street festivals. A thread on the Community Page for Ukrainian Village lists restaurants still open for takeout and delivery.

In a long lockdown, some temporary closings are likely to become permanent. Openings may come with lower occupancy limits, as in Austria and Denmark. And vulnerable groups will stay at home, holding down demand. Zoom participants recalled EVA's roots to suggest how the group might support smart neighborhood growth.

Future EVA meetings and Facebook posts will provide information on paycheck protection, resources for renters and other COVID-19 responses.

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