EVA Monday: Melissa Staples, new Chicago Police commander

Chicago Police Cmdr. Melissa A. Staples gives a status report on the merged 12th District at Monday's East Village Association meeting.

A resident of the old 13th District, Staples is incorporating East Village beats into the 12th District, with a new $21 million headquarters at 1412 S. Blue Island Ave. The 13th District station house closed in December, and a deal was struck in February to convert the Wood Street building into a Cook County Sheriff warrants office.

Staples previously was 17th District commander in Albany Park. She's a 22-year Chicago Police veteran with experience in the detective, organized crime and patrol divisions. Her February talk to the Ukrainian Village Neighborhood Association covered gang violence and other issues.

EVA and UVNA have been asking for information on beat manpower and arrests in the consolidated district, and are promised a report on crime incidents 90 days before and after the 13th District closing.

The meeting starts at 7pm in the Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott Ave. Steve Quick Jeweler, the Lincoln Park shop that recently opened a location at 1909 W. Division St., will present the business minute.
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