Community Justice Center tackles west side crime issues

Two prosecutors work out of the Community Justice Center at 715 W. Maxwell St. At the Sept. 10 EVA meeting, community liaison Pauline Dengler described their action on crimes in the 11th and 12th Chicago Police districts and on the University of Illinois at Chicago campus. Dengler's classes and programs for community members include court advocacy, a self-defense course and "Keeping It Real" panel discussions with ex-offenders.
Delia Ramirez, an unopposed candidate for the Illinois House of Representatives, told members she would for advisory committees on public safety, housing, schools and other local issues. Ramirez noted that a large class of new state representatives could pull the legislature toward more progressive stands.
A membership vote on Happy Village rezoning is scheduled for the Oct. 1 at an unconfirmed location. President Michael VanDam summarized discussion during and after the Aug. 6 member meeting about the pending sale of the 1059 N. Wolcott Ave. site. A draft plan of operation will be posted beforehand.