Ald. Hopkins: 'We have a chance to save this building'

"It's pretty rare to be in a community meeting where it's just a unanimous consensus," said Ald, Brian Hopkins. "Let's just pause and savor that moment."

East Village Association minutes for April 4, 2016, by Daniel Navarro
  • President's Welcome
  • Business Minute: Sean Murty and Lisa Muscato from Paperish Mess
    • Opened 3 years ago
    • improvements in Chicago developments has helped their business
    • 100 or so different artists, local/emerging artists, gallery openings once a month (to restart)
    • Custom framing
    • Woodshop in basement for custom furniture (commercial projects)
      • i.e., Steel petal press
    • Goal is to as makers give other makers space to showcase work
    • Operates as a consignment shop for other artists

  • Discussion about Augusta dairy building with Ald. Brian Hopkins
    • Packet shows pictures (1940s to 1950s) from Polish Museum.
    • Trying to fight demolition
    • 100% committed to saving the building
    • Outcome uncertain
    • Unanimous consensus in group for not demoing the building
    • Question as to if building was there in the '20s. Per historic foundation, building must be in 1930. Hopkins submitted act to change the date to 1930 but was asked to change way in trying to save it than changing the landmark district. Want to find evidence to note that building was erected in 1920s.
    • Site survey from 1914 exists to note that building existed
    • Original appraisal made in 1963 states building is 40 years old, notarized evidence stating building was erected in 1920s.
    • Ward Miller (Preservation Chicago) - supports effort to save building.
      • Encouraging back building within the building to be preserved as well
      • Historical buildings tell story of history of area
      • Supporting 200%
    • Elaine Coorens - Advertising in publications indicating that offices existed in 1920s
    • Steve Rynkiewicz - Records of building permits at UIC
    • Hopkins able to buy 1 month per deferral and will be voted for demo next month. Hopkins seeking no vote from council people to vote no. New property owners are aware.
    • Neal McKnight: What can be done as a group? Hopkins: Letters to alderman, letters to editor, post online, make perception that community is backing
    • Andrea: Is able to build on top or save façade? Hopkins: may be possible by engineering process
    • Brian Hopkins: Reiterated what happened at hearing, noted that they are seeking demo then talking about what to install afterwards
    • Peter Gariepy: Does Ald. Moreno support? Ald. Hopkins: Has not weighted one way or another on how he is going to vote
    • Alisa Hauser: What would happen if no vote? Hopkins: Seems new owners are caught off guard and not aware of historical value. If the demolition does pass, "I will be back in this building to discuss a plan b."
    • Next council meeting is April 13 - call for more evidence of building

Update: The EVA board supports a 75 day continuance on demolition while the Chicago Academy of Music explores a bid for church repair and restoration.

  • St. Boniface Update
    • Neighbors of St. Boniface - Jonathan Kulpit
    • Presented presentation performed Thursday - more information can be found on website ( or reach out
    • Asking for support by signup sheet
    • April 20 is the next hearing at the Daley Center
    • Dan: What can we do as a group to help? Kulpit: sign up, they will reach out with additional meetings, let alderman know for support, not sure where Ald. Moreno stands.
    • Ward Miller - working hard to save this as well as 2 other historical churches
    • Bob Zwolinski: What is the investment needed to repurpose? Kulpit: The developers have not been able to supply figures on trying to repurpose.
    • Zwolinski: How much support is Ald. Burnett giving? Kulpit: "He cares about what the community states"
    • Gariepy: Is there consideration of a design charrette to solicit architecture designs? Kulpit: That is a great idea. Funding has been the largest barrier
    • Miller: There is a possibility that this could be pulled from owners because of lack of payment. Possibility that this could be passed to another developer or a 501(c)(3)
      • Also stated that the cost could reach up to $10 million to restore back to a house of warship but could be half the cost of any other repurposing
  • Discussion about Windy City Mini Market pursuit of a liquor license
    • Asking for a license incidental to status as grocery store. Also asking for moratorium lift for retail from Wood to Ashland
    • Have proposed to board and have submitted Plan of Operation
    • 40% liquor sales by area of square footage along with other limitations
    • Lift is performed for a year
    • Plan of Operation can be used as a tool to help regulate
    • Call out to come to board meeting or contact us to get involved in conversation
  • New Business
    • Friends of Eckhart Park night at 7pm May 12 at Habana Libre
    • Noble Square clean up noon April 16
    • Neal suggested a clean up on EVA. Contact Dan
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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