EVA Monday: Quigley new East Village congressman

When members of the 113th Congress were sworn in Jan. 3, East Village got a new congressman: Mike Quigley.

The southern edge of Illinois' 5th congressional district now ends roughly at Damen, Grand and Milwaukee avenues. Aside from Goose Island, it's the only stretch of Quigley's North Side turf that extends past Division Street. East Village now has three aldermen (maybe more during the ward remap transition) but only one congressman.

So it's get-aquainted time for former constituents of Luis Gutierrez. Tim Nazanin, Rep. Quigley's outreach coordinator, will sound out community concerns at Monday night's East Village Association meeting in the Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott.

Rep. Quigley, a former Cook County commissioner, was elected to the House four years ago. In this session he'll have a role in the budget debate as Illinois' only representative on the House Appropriations Committee. Rep. Quigley is also the state's regional whip in the Democratic caucus, and has been the ranking member of the subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs.

A backer of Chicago's handgun ban, Rep. Quigley began the new term by introducing bills to report firearms-dealer background and inventory checks and to fund $15 million in local gun buybacks. The local-news blog DNAinfo this week reported on Quigley's "undercover congressman" shift at Dinkel's Bakery in Lakeview.

The meeting starts at 7pm with a Business Minute on Banco Popular's latest incentive program.
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Ask Nagel business card.

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