Bring kids to EVA party Friday

By Gladys Alcazar-Anselmo

Neighbors are planning to bring their kids to the East Village Association winter mixer Friday. The party is set for 6 to 8 pm at Banco Popular, 1445 W. Chicago Ave. We will be offering a story-time session for the 6-and-under set. Ticket price is $10 and children of members are welcome and free.

Price includes appetizers and drinks. We are asking guest to bring a dessert to share. A silent auction will sell two of the old EVA signs. The funds raised will go into EVA general funds.

EVA members and guests can bring a dessert and participate in a bake-off contest. Members who bring a new member to the event will have their names entered into a raffle.
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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