Eckhart Park paves way for fund drive

Artists and designers are being asked for their ideas on a sculpture, plaque or artwork naming Eckhart Park benefactors.

An call for entries this week frames the memorial as a "more thoughtful and creative" version of the inscribed brick pavers that mark contributions in other parks. It will be visible from Chicago Avenue, with three tiers of donors.

Plans would be submitted in a two-page PDF file with a $25 entry fee. A prize for the winning submission, if any, was not announced. ("We're hoping to secure an award," said Eckhart Park Advisory Council president Nick Fotis.)

A committee of Advisory Council directors, local design professionals and neighbors will judge entries Sept. 3. Applicants are advised to reflect the neighborhood and consider environmentally friendly materials. The winner will be announced Sept. 17 at the Eckhart Park 5K Run to Fun.

The sponsoring Advisory Council said it has identified potential donors in working with the Chicago Park District on a master plan for the park.
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