Police report: Car break-ins, gang hot spots

13th District Commander Frank Gross

Minutes for June 6, 2011 membership meeting submitted by KK Goh

President's Welcome

Business Minute: Real Naked Foods (no show)

Guest Speaker: Commander Frank Gross

    Commander Gross bio

  • 2 months on current position for 13th District

  • 25 years as Chicago police officer

    13th District: On crime in the neighborhood

  • Hot-spot criminal activity west of California Avenue (2200-2300 block), between Augusta and Division

  • Lesser criminal activity east of Ashland

  • Beat officers and bike patrols setup, but lacking in numbers. Neighborhood residents should do their part to assist

  • Call 311 for graffiti, or CAPS office

  • Adopting "Broken Window Theory" to go after petty crime and serve a signal to would-be offenders

  • Programs to keep kids occupied over the summer to avoid heat stress related crimes

    On liquor

  • 75% of calls are typical liquor and substance abuse related

    On providing additional security to address auto-related break-ins (Greg Nagel question)

  • Fairly typical issue. Break-ins are a crime of opportunity. Residents are advised to keep valuables out of cars

  • CHA has installed street-corner security cam systems. Funding to use more widely may have to be internal though

Email: frank.gross@chicagopolice.org

Walgreens director of government relations Donovan Pepper
Chicago Avenue Walgreens Liquor Moratorium
Presentation by Walgreens store manager Christine Hansen and director of government relations Donovan Pepper presented a case for small display (2 regular shelf sized section) of mid-to-higher end beers (min six pack) and wines. This was to address customer demands for convenience.

EVA VP Neal McKnight highlighted concerns that lifting moratorium would provide access for neighboring stores to sell liquor unchecked. This goes against EVA historical stance for promoting neighborhood safety and quality of life.

Walgreens promised responsibility for managing their own liquor license, but they have no control on neighboring stores.

Vote (Isaacson moved, McKnight seconded): 11 oppose lifting moratorium, 0 agreed with lifting moratorium.

EVA business

Handbill contest postponed to July meeting for better promotion and awareness among residents.

Dog Poop: Did not cover

EVA Logo: Thomas Tomek reported that logos are complete, looking for quotes and sources of funding.

August Tree Project: Neal McKnight reported ongoing survey and pricing/value to be completed by arborist by next month (July). Ronda Locke looking for volunteers to to adopt a parkway in the neighborhood, those interested to follow up with McKnight.

Treasurer Report: New PO Box located at "P.O Box 221405, Chicago IL 60622." Cash position currently approximately $5,000.

Secretary Report: Did not cover

Website/Newsletter: Stephen Rynkiewicz asked on the effectiveness of OhSoWe site for EVA news, members responded on difficulty of use (requires logging in).

Planning, preservation & development

Neal McKnight mentioned Alderman Joe Moreno's request that for residents to identify buildings that are of historical significance for preservation but not necessarily under Landmark status. This was in response to demotion of 814-820 N Wood buildings, one of which was due to oversight.

Brooklyn Bowl project on Chicago Avenue may be cancelled due to prohibitive costs for soundproofing the ceilings.

Roots Pizzeria alfresco dining is open, bakery still under renovation. Owners have been socially responsible in maintaining appropriate hours and business conditions. Slight issue with increased traffic. Owners also suggested holding EVA meetings at their restaurant.

CAPS Report
Thomas Tomek reported on recent arrest near Hermitage Avenue. Criminal was apparently responsible for several auto-related break-ins in the neighborhood, criminal activity should have since declined

LaSalle School (1148 North Honore St. @ Division St.)

New CPS budget approved for 2011-2012: All staff to be retained, new staff will be added to accommodate the consolidation of Andersen & LaSalle II and the pre-kindergarten program remains intact for 2011-2012.

New Tranquility Garden and Eco Mural at LaSalle II Magnet School are recent improvements to the campus.

End of School Fun Day is Thursday, June 9 at the Wolcott Avenue playground. Wolcott Avenue will be closed from 9am to 3pm for the Jesse White Tumblers.

McKnight reported that Chicago Performing Arts School will be moving in to Wells High and share facilities, approximately 150 students.

New Business: None
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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