June 7 meeting offers energy advice

Give your home an energy audit with advice from sustainability consultant Peter Locke at the Monday, June 7 meeting of the East Village Association.

Locke's firm TerraLocke advises corporations how to conserve water and energy. Locke has contributed to three city task forces on green business and the Chicago Public Schools' environmental task force.

Chicago has a Climate Action Plan, which recommends public policy for this decade on energy efficient buildings, clean and renewable energy, transportation, waste and pollution, and such activities as tree planting.

The Climate Action Plan website suggests 10 things city residents can do to make a difference:

  1. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs.

  2. Unplug appliances even when they are off. 

  3. Turn off faucets when not in use. 

  4. Turn your thermostat down/up in the winter/summer. 

  5. Clean and replace dirty filters so appliances run more efficiently.

  6. Go Car-less. Emissions from transportation account for more than 20 percent of our greenhouse gases. 

  7. Keep the tires on your car adequately inflated. 

  8. Bring your own bags on your shopping trips. 

  9. Plant or adopt a tree in Chicago. 

  10. Turn off the lights when not in use.

If there's an energy issue you'd like covered June 7, e-mail Locke before June 1 and he will work to include it in the discussion.

The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the Happy Village, 1059 N. Wolcott.

Also on the agenda, Benjamin Pourkhalili of Galleria Wine & Liquor‎ plans to seek EVA support in a bid to open a store at Division and Ashland. A moratorium on liquor licenses currently prohibits such a business.

A vote also is planned on a bylaws change requiring members to be respectful and considerate or face expulsion from meetings.

Finally, Super Dog Walking will be first in a series of short monthly presentations from East Village businesses.
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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