Alderman Waguespack meets EVA Feb. 1

Board meeting minutes for Jan. 11, 2010
Submitted by Dana Palmer

    Board Members: John Scheer, Greg Nagel, Dana Palmer, Rich Anselmo, Scott Rappe and Stephen Rynkiewicz

    Non-Board Members: Marjorie Isaacson

  1. John Scheer asked for comments on the annual December holiday dinner. Suggestion was made to give earlier notice next year in hopes of a greater attendance.

  2. Miller Lumber Pedestrian Designation: According to Scott Rappe, no involvement needed at this time.

  3. Membership Initiative:
  4. According to Stephen Rynkiewicz, EVA currently has funds of $412.00 in Paypal account, which can be transferred to the bank account. John Scheer stated that he would request the current membership list from Steve Crane. Greg Nagel agreed to write an article about the benefits of membership with EVA for the newsletter. Greg Nagel also brought up past idea of sign posting to inform East Village residents of the monthly meetings and current news. Rich Anselmo stated he would get quotes for the price of the signs. Greg Nagel made a suggestion to have a business host and East Village Community Board to bring greater awarness about EVA.

  5. Alderman Scott Waguespack has agreed to present at Feb. 1 membership meeting. Some concerns that EVA board would like addressed are, blue cart timeline, handbill ordinance, new library and Waguespack's master plan.

  6. Meeting adjourned.

Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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