Police commander checks in with EVA July 6

President Message by John Scheer 

OK! Summer is finally here. The sun has come out and the weather has warmed up. The sidewalk cafes are packed and the street fairs are profitable. Looking around, you would never know the economy is in such bad shape.

Maybe this is a sign of good business planning and a popular neighborhood.

Whatever the reason, there is also an increase in crime. The most recent Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy report indicates that crimes against people are down but crimes against property are significantly higher. I’m not sure if there is a theory as to why one goes up while another one goes down, but it is a clear message that fighting crime is every ones responsibility.

For you own protection, follow the standard recommendations to keep cars, doors and windows locked to prevent easy access. Many crimes are referred to as crimes of opportunity just because something is easily accessible it is an easy target for a crime. Remain aware of who and what is around you when out on the street.

Other recommendations and safety guidelines can be picked up at the monthly CAPS meeting. Beat 1322 is held at Wood Street Police Station on the first Wednesday of the month.

Commander Judith Martin of the Chicago Police Department 13th District will be the guest speaker at the July EVA meeting. Expect the commander to share some of the improvements around the district, as well as updates on current crime investigations and trends. Please plan to attend the July meeting for current information that may improve your safety.

The July meeting is 7 p.m. Monday, July 6 at the Happy Village, 1059 W. Wolcott. In the past, the commander has been very interested in hearing from neighbors about crimes and issues that impacting all of us.

Plans are also under way for the August EVA meeting which will be the annual barbecue. The menu is coming together and everyone should be pleased.

This annual barbecue is the largest EVA event focused on increasing new memberships. Everyone is encourage to bring their neighbors as an opportunity for these neighbors to meet more of the EVA members and join the community group to be part of the neighborhood destiny. Watch the EVA web site for more information and details relating to the August EVA barbecue.
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