2009 East Village Association officers

John Scheer – President

My name is John Scheer and I moved to the East Village in 1995. Since that time I have reached out to EVA for support on numerous occasions and in return I have invested my own time and energy toward a number of neighborhood initiatives.

Most recently, I have become more active in a number of the neighborhood associations that border the East Village to establish a broader and more inclusive view of policies and directions for our members. I have also had the fascinating opportunity to learn firsthand how similar neighborhood groups are addressing some of the same questions in Milwaukee.

I continued to see the value of the EVA organization to facilitate communication and a venue to allow the residents to manage the change within our neighborhood. I have been EVA president for the past year and would appreciate your confidence in supporting me as the next President of EVA.

Greg Nagel - vice president

My name is Greg Nagel and I’m running for EVA vice president. I’ve owned and lived in a 4 flat at 1040 N. Winchester for six years now.

I grew up in the suburbs but have lived in the city since my graduation from college. I worked as CPA with Deloitte & Touche, as a management accountant with Kraft Foodservice, and as corporate controller for Pasquinelli Portrait Homes. For the last four years I have worked for Cedar Realty as a developer and residential realtor focusing on multiunit residential investment properties.

Other than being in favor for being kind to babies, puppies, and the elderly, I’m for responsible and thoughtful development and growth. I would characterize my positions as moderate and look for pragmatic compromises on most issues.

I’ve served as a board member for the last year in the capacity VP where I backed up the President running several general and board meetings, contributed to the summer barbecue, and am now chairing the membership committee. In the previous year, I was the aldermanic liaison, where I enjoyed a productive and frank relationship with Alderman Flores.

It's been a great experience and I’ve learned a lot. We have some really talented neighbors that have given so much to our community for many years that really deserve our thanks. I hope to learn from them and follow in their footsteps.

Brodi Cole - Treasurer

My name is Brodi Cole and I’ve lived in East Village since August 2006. I enjoyed the neighborhood so much that my husband and I bought our first condo at 1143 N Damen in January 2007.

I’ve lived in Chicago for 5½ years, and have spent that time working in human resources. I am currently the employee relations manager for American Girl in Water Tower mall, and in that capacity, I maintain budgets for both job recruiting and employee events.

Since joining the EVA this past August at the summer barbecue, I have taken an interest in many of the projects outlined in the monthly newsletter, including the proposed hotel at Division & Paulina. I am very excited to take a more active role in such a vibrant neighborhood, and look forward to getting to know more of my neighbors!

Dana Palmer – Secretary

My name is Dana Palmer and I am running for EVA secretary. I grew up in a small town in central Illinois and moved to Chicago in 2000 to join Americorps and later attend the Jane Addams College of Social Work at UIC. I am currently employed as a medical social worker at the John Stroger Jr. Hospital of Cook County.

I settled into the East Village neighborhood in 2003 with my husband. I am relatively new to EVA being a member for just over two years. Being from a small town, I missed the sense of belonging and community involvement when I moved to Chicago. However, EVA has helped to restore that sense and has taught me a great deal about city life and how to become aware of issues in my neighborhood and also how to bring people together to help resolve those issues.

I am very eager to become more involved in the neighborhood that I live in and help to preserve that sense of community and belongingness that it emits. Being elected secretary of EVA, would be a great step forward to becoming more involved.
Anselmo @properties business card,
Ask Nagel business card.

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